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The Applied Consciousness Initiative is a 501(c) (3) non-profit, educational and charitable organization committed to providing wellness tools to health practitioners and individuals in a manner which allows for ready application and results.  We use well established tools and techniques of holistic health, yoga and meditation practices, and environmental health science.

Why Applied Consciousness?

Consciousness is simply complete awareness and creation of our experience.  To us, applied consciousness means using established tools to bring us into a more complete awareness, and to enable our intuition to guide our decision making.  


We believe and experience that this work benefits and improves all aspect of personal and environmental health, brings us into greater ease (ie. reduce dis-ease), and roots us - amidst distractions - into the present moment.  Only with applied consciousness can we bring ourselves into the state of love, compassion, and excellence.

Programs with ACI Organization

Programs can be used by those seeking to incorporate these tools into their lives.  We've found that while someone may grasp changes on a retreat, a more continuous reminder and platform of support is also needed to return back to, integrate with, and change, a life created out of prior, unhealthy habits.  Over time, programs we offer will provide both intensive immersion opportunities, as well as long-term platforms for lifestyle change.

Annual Reports

© 2018 by Applied  Consciousness Initiative


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